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Spend 1.7% of your time for a 100% return!
💶Time is your most valuable currency 💶
But how many times do you find yourself using this excuse:
‘…I simply just don’t have the time!!!’
The main reason we see clients failing is because they don’t prioritise their time. Or they have spent YEARS overspending in areas such as work or family. (Sometimes partying and living the good life…) 🎊
When you neglect our health and overspend in other areas then things come back to haunt us.
Yes raising a family and work take a priority. However is 3 hours a week out of 168 hours of the week too much to ask for your health? (1.7% of your time)
I can guarantee you that if you spend 3 hours a week in a gym doing some lifting, stretching and cardio you will have a drastic increase in the quality of your life.
HOWEVER please note that there will be roadblocks along the way.
Exercise and health is a choice that takes CONSTANT work. But the benefits are mind-blowing and often only noticed when your not exercising…