Nutrition Basics


The word diet means: ‘The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.’

So why is it viewed so negatively?

Simply because we seem to choose a one size fits all approach.

Meaning. We pick up a diet book, try it for a few weeks, see some results and then crash.

In this post we discuss:

1. Portion control (without counting calories)

2. Why you need protein?

3. Carbohydrates (the myths)

4. Fats, are they good or bad?

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Portion size:

In order to lose weight and improve those stubborn areas it all boils down to one thing. Calorie deficit. Therefore start with the easiest scales you will find. Your hands.

1-2 x thumb size piece of fat

1-2 x palm size of protein

1 x fist full of carbs.

Also even try using smaller plates as a start. A wee trick to use when you really are hungry.

We realise the social impact it is having with our piers. 

We crave basic things like carbs and the bit of sugar here and there and finally, we love food! So chicken and broccoli is just not an option really is it?

So let us EDUCATE ourselves on how to do it properly.

Portion size:

In order to lose weight and improve those stubborn areas it all boils down to one thing. Calorie deficit. Therefore start with the easiest scales you will find. Your hands.

1-2 x thumb size piece of fat

1-2 x palm size of protein

1 x fist full of carbs.

Also even try using smaller plates as a start. A wee trick to use when you really are hungry.

Protein (P) :

Not that bloody word again. But yes protein does have a LOT of benefits in your diet that will help you get the results you desire.

It is the base of the nearly every meal. The reason for this is that it takes longer to break down and is a slower release of energy. It is important to consume a variety of meats and different sources of protein along with a high intake of greens / vegetable. The amino acids in protein are needed to rebuild muscle after workout.

There's  a great video you can watch on how it all works if you like:

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Eating protein in the morning speeds up the recovery from training and outs you into an insulin sensitive state. Meaning that its easier to burn fat. Oh, and  it gives you that fuller feeling for longer!

How much> Try 2grams of protein per 1kg of lean mass. Meaning if your around sub 15% for male and 75kg you should be eating in and around 150grams of protein a day.


Carbohydrates (C) :

So if you are eating your carbs try time them efficiently so they can positively influence your goals.

For example if you are working off Macronutrients and you are aware of roughly how much you should be eating of carbs. Have a portion in the evening before bed.

Also ensure you have carbs post workout to replenish much needed muscle glycogen stores. Try 1-2 fist full of starchy carbs. 

Eating your carbs before bed is a handy way to save your carbohydrate intake for effective recovery, sleep and thus hormone effectiveness.

Carbohydrates (i.e., starch, fiber) can increase the free fatty acid concentration. The increased free fatty acid level consequently increases the brain levels of tryptophan, which indirectly increases the production of sleep-promoting melatonin in the brain. (1)

Great time to eat carbs is pre or post workout. Try start your morning without carbs but with more of a protein and fat (like eggs). Save the carbs for when the body will use them to your advantage.


Fats (F):

 Fats tend come with a bad reputation. However they will determine whether you can sink or swim when it comes to reducing carbohydrates and leaning up a little. An example of good fats would me Omega3 (EPA + DHA) which you find in salmon. Fats are high in good calories and if you are going to lower your carb intake you MUST get your basic calorie number from fats so you can function and avoid those grumpy spells! If you want to know how much. Try 1-2 thumb sizes per meal. 

Closing Note:

Remember. Start with the absolute basics.

Control your portions and eat wholesome food. Just like we teach our members here at LB fitness. Online, Personal training. They all get the same treatment. 

Larry Brady