How long until I see a change?'
Have you just signed up to a new training program?
'...A few weeks of training have passed. I can see some changes...'
8 weeks pass:
'Why is it still so slow... Ah well I'm enjoying it, I'll keep going'
12 weeks:
'This is isn't working I'll try something different.'
'How long is it going to take?'
We have been known to be very direct and honest with clients about the reality of fitness, health and fatloss.
We tirelessly educate ourselves so that we tackle every eventuality and roadblock a client hits.
Some don't like our honesty when we say that there is no quick fix.
We believe in health before anything else so we don't agree with fad diets or training programmes that leave you not being able to walk for days...
We really don't know how long it's going to take for you to change and here is why:
You are different to every person we have ever met. For that reason, there are a lot of variables that can affect the "speed" of someone's progress on their goals and training.
1. Environment - The one you train in, again is it supportive? Is it positive and progressive? Do you feel motivated in it?
2. Education - The more you know of a topic the easier it is to apply the knowledge you have been given. So have we as coaches explained WHY your doing x, y, z?
3. Training and programming - As coaches we firstly discuss, training. Is the program the right design for you? What have we tried? What do you feel really worked for you in the past?
4. Nutrition - Have we considered your eating behaviours. Is the program the right design for you? Are we all being honest in this coach - client relationship? What is your sleep like? Are you great all week but binging and ruining your progress on the weekends.
Stick to hitting your protein intake. 2 grams per lean kg of bodymass. So if you are 60kg your looking at 120grams of protein. Then add in some fats, veg and carbs here and there. Water, are you drinking 1 litreof water per 25kg of bodyweight? (75kg weight = 3 liters sipped throughout the day).
5. Habits good and bad - What are the ratios of good V's bad habits. What can we tackle this week? Can we implement a good habit rather than focusing on the negatives?
6. Social groups - Will they support you, do they understand what you're trying to do? Have they themselves tried what you're doing it in the past? What do they believe in that may positively influence progress or negatively question what you are doing (This also counts for the various amounts of magazines and opinions you read and engage with on Social Media)
7. Help - Don't just do it on your own picking up information aimlessly. Invest some time and money in some kind of group training programme or personal training programme where you have a coach, a mentor. Someone to direct you. Especially if you feel things arent working. They can highlight issues and give you the tools to fix them.
As coaches what we can do is give you all the tools and support you'll ever need.
We strongly believe in our strength and conditioning programming for the individual.
Like we deliver in our LB 8 programme. Between this and our support in and out of the gym, we believe we can be honest and open in monitoring your progress and change things if they aren't working. A good personal trainer will charge €50 -€60 for a one on one session but make sure they are programming for you weekly.
If its too much you can get semi private personal training for as little as €17 per session with some services like our LB Club membership. But there will be a process of entry with movement assessments and lifestyle analysis before you start that.
How long it's going to take, you decide with every little choice you make every day and the open relationship you and your coach develop.