This is hard...

We know its hard.

Arguably the most challenging month of the year for many and now with another lockdown to contend you may find the reality of lockdown 3.0 hitting home a little harder than the others.

You may have, or are feeling down, overwhelmed and just fed up. Myself, Sean and Rob felt that way over the weekend as we prepare to work from home.

Maybe you still feel a bit like that too?…

But it doesn’t need to stay like that!

Nobody is bulletproof.

Even with a vaccine, right now, it probably seems hard to even envision what life might be like.

‘Were those Christmas get togethers worth it? Where those few drinks outdoors part of what contributed to the problem?’

We are all thinking the same things. But don’t beat yourself up about December. It happened. Its done. Its in the past and we can’t change anything!

How to stop the moping:

Thats enough now… This is the hand you have been dealt! Lets set some standards!

Now more than ever its time to pick ourselves up.

Dust ourselves off and take the first step.

This morning at 9:30am I got a text from a client who found themselves with a free hour. As a result they said ‘ah sure feck it I might aswel use the gear they gave me!’ With that the training gear went on (2 layers). The gloves and the hat and out they went.hen came some stretching, a few walkouts and glute exercises and off they went.

1 hour later they were finished and the result:

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‘You’ve no idea how much good that session did me this morning…’

They felt better and the day was tackled head on. The feeling of anxiety and overwhelm was tackeled head on.


Right now you have 2 options:

  1. Sit there and feel sorry for yourself (Doing this for a few hours or sometimes a few days is fine and normal. However staying there will cause a lot of trouble for you down the line).

  2. Put on your training gear. Take the first step.

Along with our normal Live Zoom Strength and Fitness Classes and Advanced classes, we now have a Unit 13 Running Club you can join, a Performance Club and our Project Reboot Club!

Everything is there. Just take the first step and reach out, put the training gear on and aim to just get the warm up done or run to the corner first.

Click Here to Fill out the Form to show your interest in what you would like to focus on.

Take that first step.

Those around you are counting on you and your future self needs you now more than ever.

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Larry Brady