2021 REBOOT- How to Reboot your Health & Fitness This Summer

The last 14 months have been difficult for everybody.

With the gym is closing and social gatherings in doors being restricted it has been so easy for health and fitness slip away from thi

In this post we outline a simple roadmap to returning to a level of health and fitness similar to what you had before.

  1. How to enjoy a night “out” without the guilt

  2. How to redevelop strength & fitness that you previously lost

  3. How to manage your nutrition / cravings.

  4. What to do when on a staycation.

How to Enjoy" A “night out” / few drinks

Firstly its so important to acknowledge that we have been starved of social interaction. Therefore its more important than ever to understand that social interaction is needed.

Doing this over a few drinks can be something that we have ALL looked forward to for quite sometime.

Here are some tips on enjoying that evening with friends:

  1. Plan your drinking ahead of time – if you know you can have a good time on 3 drinks, drink 3 drinks, not 10 (easier said than done mind you!). Then plan what you will and won’t be drinking (see calorie table).

  2. Avoid situations that are conducive to eating poor food. The main ones are – takeaway after the nightclub (The outdoor bar these days…) , pub food , and hangover eating the next day. The best advice I can give you here is try head home before the nightclub ends and stay at your own place where possible.

  3. Plan the next day. Have food prepared ahead of time for the next day. Pick your favorite breakfast from the meal plan (one that you may be able to look forward to - poached eggs, avocado etc). If you can commit yourself to doing something you know you can’t be too hung-over for agreeing to take the girlfriend (or boyfriend) to Kildare village or Dundrum, or agreeing to take the kids somewhere, or going on a hike with a friend on the health buzz. All are disgustingly unbearable when hungover and may limit your intake and hangover if you 100% can’t back out of them.

  4. Offset drinking by…. Click Here to read more.


How to re-develop your strength and fitness:

Lack of energy… Stiff… Pains in places that you didn’t know existed. For some people they feel all 3. For others they simply feel a lack of spring in their step.

But why?

Simply because we have all been doing less. We have been going through a pandemic which for many means they haven’t moved their body much. That then causes our body to become weaker, especially if we haven’t been doing strength training or any “moderate manual labour”.

What to do?

We see a HUGE amount of our client experiencing this issue. Especially those who stopped training for the last lockdown and then it ended up being 5 months with no real movement… The big issue her is focus. We suggest to focus on 1 goal and work on that.


Start with a plan.

Ask yourself: What do you need?

  1. Strength training

  2. Flexibility

  3. Breathing work.

From the above 3 its important to highlight your most important. At UNIT 13 we find that 2.7 hours per week of strength and conditioning style training (when programmed by PROFESSIONALS in a structured way) yields the best results.


A high quality professional coach will work with you on what YOU need in order to get you moving and feeling better ASAP. Therefore a strength and conditioning coach is your best bet.

Here are some helpful tips from coach Rob on how to schedule your weeks training:


Bonus video ‘Feel good in 10 minutes’