What If I Told You… 📖

Your calorie intake is not the reason you can’t lose weight (it has everything to do with it but hear me out!)

What if I told you it has nothing to do with your work ethic and in fact is why you’re coming up against the obstacles that you are?

Here’s a quote from Bill Gates ‘I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.'

Being busy is a disease - productivity is the cure

The key to doing things consistently is to make them as easy and accessible/attractive as possible

Take your weekly nutrition - when you’re cooking your dinner, why not double the portion and bring half for lunch tomorrow?

When you’re cooking your dinner, why not quadruple the portion, put 2 portions in the freezer for later in the week and one in the fridge for tomorrow?

Same time, 3 more meals ✅

When you’re grocery shopping, why not do click and collect while watching tv? Saves you time and effort and still a full fridge for the week ahead ✅

Why not go straight to the gym after work instead of going home first? 100% less chance of getting swallowed up by the couch

When going to work, why not park at the far end of the car park and walk in and out from there instead of promising yourself you’ll go for a walk after work - how’s that going?

Acting lazy for more productivity is not an exact science but exploring ways to simplify and incentivise the things you find yourself slipping up on is the most effective route to take!

And we can help you with that! If there’s anything you’re struggling to navigate at the moment around your fitness habits and lifestyle, drop us a DM on instagram or email (info@unit13fitness.ie) and we’d be happy to help you on your way! 🤝

Sean Heagney