Motivation and Exercise 🤩

Are you struggling with slumps?

Or are you tired of looking at THAT girl or guy who seem to have it so easy and wishing you could do it too? The get up and GO feeling!

In this article we allow you to learn about what motivation really is.

Where does motivation come from? 🤔

If not now then when MOTIVATION

What Is Extrinsic Motivation?

Extrinsic motivation happens when we are motivated to take part in an activity or perform a certain action to earn an external reward or avoid punishment.  In other words, you engage in a behaviour not because you find it satisfying or truly enjoy it, but rather to get something in return or avoid something unpleasant.  

Examples of this:

  • Participating in a sport to get a reward

  • Completing work assignments to avoid losing your job

  • Studying because you want a good grade

  • Finishing conditioning because your coach is watching

What Is Intrinsic Motivation?

Intrinsic motivation is your personal reason for doing something.  Performing an activity for its own sake, rather than the desire for some external reward.  The behaviour itself is the reward.

Examples of this:

  • Participating in a sport because you enjoy it

  • Doing a work assignment because you find it interesting

  • Studying a topic because you want to learn about it

  • Finishing conditioning because you love how it makes you feel afterwards


The main difference between the do is extrinsic motivation arises outside of yourself while intrinsic is internal.  Both are beneficial to helping you achieve your goals.

There may be times when you genuinely enjoy conditioning or training and you’re happy to get in all the sets.

There might be times when you’re exhausted, it doesn’t matter if you enjoy it or not you’re too tired to keep going.  This is when your extrinsic motivation will kick in - the need to avoid a coaches “punishment” or the coaches glare, and you will complete the sets.

However understand that here at Unit 13 we seek to be capable fo showing you how to get from A to B and achieve your goals without having a big scary PT standing over you.

We understand that there is life outside the gym . Thats why you come to us.

To improve overall lifestyle.

Check out this diagram to see how Health and Fitness can impact other aspect of your life.

You decide whether its positive or negative but either way a lack of fitness and health will not be good for other areas of your life.

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Then why not apply for a free consultation here with one of our coaches 😀

Larry Brady