Struggling with Pain? đŸ€•

‘I had just attended my 8th week of physiotherapy and still there was no change. Every time I walked into his clinic I had hope.

Hope that I would leave feeling better. Hope that I could sit without my hip throbbing and finally get back to my daily routine. But I kept walking out €70 poorer and still no direction.

But then one day I met a different physiotherapist. He firstly asked questions. LOTS of questions. Dived into how it firstly came about and then did a few tests. From here he then walked me into the gym across the way from the office.

From there on he introduced me to suitable exercises to take the pressure off my hip

2 weeks later I was back jogging
 but I was without pain!’


Is pain holding you back from living a fulfilled life? Are you struggling with old injuries or chronic back pain? 🧐Sick and tired of constantly having to be aware of your body as you move and the stiffness that comes with it?

In this post we discuss:

  1. What strength training can do for your injury and ANY injury.

  2. Why we have never met anyone who didn’t benefit from our style of coaching

  3. What you can do in order to relieve pain, get strong or just move forward!

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Strength Training for Injuries.

I absolutely HATE going to the physiotherapist. Its nearly as bad as going to the dentist. But it serves a purpose... I need to have a physio to look at me from there perspective and begin the journey to help me get back onto my feet.

But as any good physiotherapist will tell you ‘its not the work done with them that gets you the results!’ Its the time and effort you spend putting your head down and doing your rehab training, which is also known as strength work. But are you doing your rehab properly?

You see when you damage a part of your body you rely on muscles, tendons and ligaments to maintain function around each joint. No matter what the injury.

Strength training overloads the muscles (in controlled manner) to help break down muscle tissue, tendons and ligaments in order for them to respond and grow back stronger. However be WARNED. Not all coaches know how to work with people who have issues like Arthritis, Slipped disks, pelvic floor issues, knee replacements, hip replacements, reconstruction surgery and MORE

This is where we at Unit 13 stand apart. We know how to work WITH you and your physiotherapist to help get you back on your feet.

Everyone can do it!

What will stop you though is trust.

Trust in your coach. Your mentor

You need to have confidence in your coaches that they explain exactly why you are doing what you are doing and help you make sense of it! You need to understand WHY you are doing the exercises and progressions that your coach is making you do.

WHY your coach has now handed you the 10kg Dumbbell instead of the 7kg Dumbbell you’ve been using for 4 weeks

The only reason you cant do it is your willingness. We have worked with all ranges of abilities. WE have met those and worked with those who said ‘they can’t’. Now they can. There is no excuse. Thats all we have to say about that really.

Watch the below video if you dont believe us:

What can you do to remove pain?

Pain is complex. There is a huge science and psychology behind it which we could go into but honestly it will have you leaving this article with:

A) A sense of solution and resolve

B) A sense of overwhelm.

Both these things are negative to your recovery. Therefore we ensure that we do not under any circumstances put forward a result or solution or promise anything.

We do know that what most need is coaching. guidance. Like you did when you first approached the physiotherapist. From here though there is then the support that you require in order to recover with constructive training. We believe that the best results form strength training come form those who attend 2.7 times on average a week to a facility like Unit 13.

Coach Rob Cornwall

Coach Rob Cornwall

Rob has had his fair share of injuries as a professional footballer and specialises in the area of rehab and recovery.

Unit 13 1-1 Personal Training is a service for those who may need some extra attention (new or old to exercise) that wants to improve technique or has that recurring injury that holds you back in the gym!

Here we focus on improving technique and structuring your programme to adapt to your needs or strengthen up that weaker area.

Contact for further information.


Larry Brady