Group Personal Training Client down 8kg in 8 weeks.

‘I needed help…’

8kg down in 8 weeks✅

8 minutes faster over 5km 🏃🏿‍♂️in 8 weeks ✅

Loving training and life✅

Read Rebeccas fantastic story below. Training 3 times a week, reducing the amount of training she was doing and still going out at the weekends and enjoying herself 😄

Rebecca Before and after photo at Unit 13 Fitness

’…I started in Unit 13 in the first week of January 2019. I needed help to lose weight and increase my level of fitness. 

I was initially nervous that I wouldn’t be able to commit to going to the gym 3 times a week and still keep up jogging regularly. However as soon as I started, I was hooked. 

There is so much to love about the service in Unit 13. Firstly, the programme is so varied. Each day focuses on different exercises which keeps it interesting.

Each programme runs in 6 week blocks so there’s plenty of opportunity to familiarise yourself with the different exercises.

As well as that, the programme is tailored to each person’s needs and the trainers are constantly checking in with you as you work, adjusting what you’re doing so it’s suitable for your needs and ability.

More importantly, there’s a wonderful atmosphere unlike any other gym I’ve been in. Working in such small groups means you get to know people and can support each other.

Now almost 3 months after starting, I’m starting to see the benefits of training in Unit 13. I’ve lost just over 8kg, I can lift heavier weights, I got a new pb on running 5k and my clothes are starting to get loose.

I needn’t have worried about making the commitment in the beginning as I have more energy now than before and feel fantastic.

I’m only at the beginning of a lifestyle change that involves focusing on diet as well as exercise but I’m confident that I can continue to progress towards my final goals with the help of Larry and all at Unit 13.’ 

Larry Brady