Navigating The Christmas Period

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

But for many, the Christmas season can also be quite stressful and anxiety-inducing, particularly when it comes to maintaining all your hard-earned progress gained throughout the year.

December 2020 (4).png

With this in mind, and to answer all questions we received from our members on the topic, here are UNIT 13’s top tips for navigating through this holiday season:

Top Tips: The Holiday Season

  1. Relax

Firstly and arguably most importantly, we felt it necessary to acknowledge that Christmas is a time to relax, rewind and enjoy the company of our loved ones. Therefore, it is totally expected and acceptable to indulge more than usual.

It’s normal, and we all do it!

Here’s the caveat! You owe it to yourself to remain cognisant of your overarching health and fitness goals (outcome goals). That doesn’t mean depriving yourself of any fun socially-distanced nights out on the town, or cutting out the Christmas dinner gravy!

It simply means doing the little, seemingly insignificant things that make all the difference and will help keep you on track to your personally defined “holy land”:

2. Get yo’ protein!

Getting sufficient protein intake will help to maintain your muscle mass, is more satiating (filling/satisfying) than other food groups which will help to reduce the risk of mindless snacking, especially as you sit down to watch John McClane and Die Hard for the third time in as many days (Not judging, I swear) Therefore, when planning for a big meal with all the trimmings, focus on reaching your protein target (1.8-2.2g/kg bodyweight i.e. 80kg person – aiming for 144-176g protein) that and every other day as one of your process goals for the day.

3. NEAT: A.K.A Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis.

In simple terms, NEAT refers to energy burned which is not achieved through formal exercise (e.g. gym, run), and can take a drastic hit during the holiday season. Easy ways to keep it up are taking nice walks in nature before or after meals with family and friends. You never know, it may even become a tradition!

4. Calories = Money: Here us out!

After going slightly over our calorie target or after a second slice of Christmas pudding (We know, YUM!), it’s very tempting to throw caution to the wind and “get back on track tomorrow”. Sound familiar? Well, what if you spent your hard earned cash just as frivolously? After going over on your Christmas presents budget slightly, you decide to blow your December rent money with it and start again next month. Sure why not? Well we’re not too sure your landlord would be too jolly!

It’s a good idea to view your calories as a budget and that if you do spend a little more than planned on Saturday night, you have the control to reel it back in the subsequent days. The previous two points can also help with this.

4. Mindful Eating: Am I hungry or just bored?

Die Hard is on AGAIN, and oh well! (You’d never think I’m a fan would you?). The Celebrations are looking you up and down, and next thing you know all that’s left are the Bounty’s (obviously) and the wrappers. Without realising, you’ve polished a full box. How did that even happen?

5. Distraction is the enemy in this situation so here’s a useful guide; the 5, 10, 15, 20 rule!

5 slow breaths

10 seconds between bites

15mins between meals (Allow your brain to recognise you’re already full)

20 chews per mouthful

Slow and steady with this is key.

Let us know how you get on,

Sean & The UNIT 13 Team.

Save us some of that Christmas pudding!


If you want to grab one of the 12 spaces for January click here to organise a FREE 10 minute call to enquire about our services and how we can help you feeling stronger, fitter and more energetic for 2021.

Larry BradyUnit 13 Fitness