A Gym Owners View to Reopening

I have visited a few " businesses" in the City Centre that have reopened in the last few weeks and some have truly pi#*ed me off. 😡

Im not one to vent too often nor use social media to express an opinion. However when I see businesses opening back up and putting in minimum effort and not utilising the guidelines that have been handed to them (attached below) it truly angers me.

The excuse of:

'ahh leave them alone they're doing their best'...

❌ It is NOT good enough. ❌

As a community we have a responsibility.

As a business owner yes things are hard. But do the work.

Your space is a meeting space to where your community will gather.

Reach out and ask for help to those around you like we have from Thomas Gannon and his Consultancy business https://thefitnessbusiness.ie/ Im not doing this on my own. I have a lot of help. BUT here is the catch. I had to ask for that help!

(No im not getting bloody commission for linking in Tom's page and yes that is my face on the front of the website. This is simply to show you that it doesnt come second nature to me to do it alone. I've always asked for help as I need it).

On the gym point... Things will never be "normal" again. Clients will want better value. Safety and they will also want to see you moving with the times. ⏰

For any gym owner or small business owner

we are using the following document to map out our return to Unit 13 for our staff and clients: ⛑https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/22829a-return-to-work-safely-protocol/

Its up to the OWNERS and nobody else to have this planned and mapped out and communicated in great detail.

Please don't put yourself or family at risk.

Even if you are renting space in a gym or work privately 1-1 with clients indoors or outdoors.

Do the work. Play your part.

It is up to us owners to ensure our industry opens and stays open.

This is easy. Nobody is holding a gun to your head. Take one small step today and simply survey your staff and clients using google forms:

1. Are you going to return to our establishment on X date

(Yes - No - No sure)

2. How do you feel about returning?

Those 2 questions will help and google forms also gives you the percentages so you can work out the maths.


Lets all play our part.

Larry Brady