Plyometrics - What you need to know.


You need to move fast for all sports: Soccer, GAA, Long distance running, tennis, hockey… You name it this Blog post has it and it will benefit you.

Whats involved:

  1. Read through the notes

  2. Then watch the LIVE recorded 20 minute workshop with Coach Rob. Get ready to get up onto your feet and participate in the workshop!

Plyometrics/Landing Mechanics Workshop 

What are plyos?

Are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power ie Jumping Sprinting Hopping etc ♂♀ 

Full workshop video:

Why bother doing them? 

Being a Powerful Athlete is the aim - Power is a product of both force and velocity and how we get to be powerful is hitting both sides of the F+V Curve (peak power output would be) 

-Think of Force being = Maximal strength (Squatting Heavy)♀  -Think of Velocity being = How fast you can produce force (explosive) ! WE WANT TYPE 2 FAST TWITCH FIBERS--------- 

Landing Mechanics Practical  

(How to Land efficiently you'll never know when you might need this)

● Land forefoot to heel 

● Feet Relatively forward 

● Shoulder Width 

● Joints Stacked 

● Absorb force through Ankle, Knees and Hips 

----------6 Jumps with perfect Landing Mechanics-------------


The Stretch Shortening Cycle

Is when a muscle is stretched eccentrically (lengthened) before a concentric (shortened) contraction 

-Eccentric Phase creates elastic energy which is stored making muscular contractions more metabolically efficient (basically makes it easier)- 

‘Plyos have shown to enhance long distance runners’ 

3 Phases of Contractions during Plyos: 

● Pre Stretch / Eccentric 

● A Brief Amortisation Phase / Isometric 

● Explosive Contraction 

Practical for Plyometrics : 


1. Short Sharp Contact Time 

2. Toes Dorsiflexed (pointed up) 

3. Heel Doesn't Touch Ground 

4. Absorb @Ankles, Knees + Hips 

Warm up / Precursor : 

● POGO HOPS Vertical 

● POGO HOPS Laterally 

● POGO HOPS Horizontal 

Drills : 

● Broad Jumps (landing mechanics!) x4 

● Lateral Hops x3es 

● A Skips x4es 

2 sets 60s REST

Larry Brady