Dr.Ciarán ó Catháin - Nutrition, Injuries & More

In this 3 Tip Friday we talk about:

1. What Dr.Ciarán ó Catháin had to say about training

2. Why some diets have ridiculous low calories

3. How he cant train himself and needs coaching

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Dr.Ciarán ó Catháin has a PhD in Biomechanics and exercise physiology
BSc. Hons in Sport Science and Health,
MSc in Applied Sports Nutrition (ongoing). 


What Dr.Ciarán ó Catháin had to say about training

I (Larry) believe in sharing information and learning.


Becuase I feel that we as a country have to value our health in order to nurture the next generation. 

To do this we need to share information and break down the barriers between each other. 

On Thursday the 12th we were able to chat to Dr.Ciaran o’cathain about all things health and fitness. Ciaran has a PhD in Biomechanics and exercise physiology, BSc. Hons in sport science and health, MSc in Applied Spots Nutrition (ongoing). 

I tell you now we were not short of topics to talk about. 

His take away point:

Keep it simple!


Here is the 22 minute interview below...😀

Why some diets have ridiculous low calories

Some diets have HUGE calorie deficits early on due to the reason of "buy-in". After a week or two of very low calories the results usually develop over 2-3 weeks for most people. 

HOWEVER nutritional coaching then needs to bump it up a little to something more sustainable. 

What to do?

Get nutritional coaching here from Ciarán at www.thefitclinic.com They will guide you through everything you need to know. But make sure you are exercising first is his advice!


How he cant train himself and needs coaching

‘It was so annoying trying to find a coach. When people hear that you have a degree and a PhD they think you know it all. I'm the opposite. I crave feedback and need it to improve just like everybody. that's why I can never do my own programming.’

One of the key elements in the fitness industry that is needed is coaches who know how to give constructive feedback where needed.

Never think that you don’t need it. Everyone needs some help along the way. Even 1 session a month here and there with someone who does it for a living or in this case (someone who is smarter than me, Ciaran) goes a long long way to retarget you towards your goals. 



Can you do me a favour?

Can you send on ONE question you would like answered in the next 3 tip Friday videos by filling in the form below with your questions?? 😀

Larry Brady