How much Protein... 🤔
Here we go for protein management 🧐😀
It's important that we eat enough protein each day to cover our body's needs particularly if you are a hulk descendent like the green machines (Note that this is a post from one of our 6 Week Challenge Groups so excuse the reference to the hulk and green machines🤣).
Protein helps your body to maintain a proper fluid balance, builds and repairs tissues, transports nutrients and provides other essential functions.
Do you know how much protein you need?
Everyone needs a different amount and there are many different factors that impact your number.
As an example, a lady or gentleman who eats roughly 2,000 calories per day would need to consume 200 to 700 calories each day from protein sources. (a really handy way to determine it is:
Multiply your weight in kg x 2.2 = How much protein you should have
(1kg=2.2 pounds)
That total number is a great guide for repairing muscle around training.
I weigh 73KG. 73 X 2.2 is 160 pounds. So I aim to intake 160 grams of protein a day. However I train a lot. So on days we train guys that's a really good measure to go off. But not to be taken literally.
0.9-1.4 g/kg bodyweight per day is also a good number to go off if we are training 3 times per week and quite an active individual.
A great read is the link below.
Your bodies are great. Please don't get caught up on it too much. Just know it takes calories to burn protein. And if we wish to lose weight we must maintain what's called a calorie deficit. In simple calories in vs calories out.
Article by Unit 13 Coach Brian Connolly: