Sweat - Body - Build
Do you ever feel 'not right' if you left the gym leaving “something on the floor?” Like you should have pushed a little harder, added more weight, or gone to the max?
It’s a common trap even I fall into sometimes - we’re human after all, and we’re wired to want more....its our nature Who doesn’t love the feeling of all out effort from time to time?
In my classes I've often talked about the need to earn your intensity - reserving peak efforts for the times you really want or need to be tested, and training more sustainably-like the pacing strategy we're all taught on session introductions at Fundamentals 1 through 3.
This class will use a combo of lifts and cardiovascular exercises going off MAP.
MAP stands for Maximal Aerobic Power and the numbers that follow the MAP refer to a specific effort level and time period. The higher the number, the more sustainable the effort. Or pacing strategies if you prefer.
MAP 10, MAP 9, MAP 8 are effort levels and durations that work well as part of an Active Recovery movement session. Much like the mobility in sweat day. Alone, they can be tools that athletes who really wish to develop their aerobic system can train many times per week.
Progress with purpose is big here. With the breakdown that I will program you will see how you can progress over the course of 6 weeks using MAP 10 to 8. The entire thesis of this is to improve Long Sustainable Aerobic training.
So what the hell is MAP and how do I know if I'm working in this zone?
Chin Wag Test - MAP 10 is a pace that allows you to hold a conversation. Your effort is such that you and your team mate should have the crack WHILST MAINTAINING THE BEAUTY THAT IT TRAINING!
CHIN WAG Test - You should still be able to respond with a complete sentence if someone is chatting with you. Your effort is like our conditioning you'll hold a conversation buuuuuut you don't really want to!
CHIN WAG Test - Response to a conversation should still be achieved but only with 3-5 word sentences. Something like 'Yes this new class is brilliant' Your effort is sufficient that you are not likely wanting to hold ongoing conversations.
Any questions please lemme know!
Also it's bring a friend with you too (for a small fee of 10euro!)
By Brian Connolly