Gym Equipment - Home Workouts


Frustrated with lifting bags of sugar over your head? Maybe you are thinking of investing in some equipment?

💶 NOTE: For what you realistically need it wont cost you more than €14-€125... But it may be time to start investing in a little equipment...🏋️‍♀️So here is what id suggest with a budget!👇

Gym equipment.png

1. Red Power Band✅*** Important

2. Blue loop band ✅*** Important

3. Foam Roller ✅

4. Pair of Dumbells✅

5. Kettlebell ✅

6. Yoga matt ✅


Number 1+2 = roughly 14€ and they would be the higher preference. Everything else is roughly €30 per item. 💪


Where to buy online

D8 fitness (cork street)

If they are out of stock try: McSport

Please Note: D8 Fitness is a smaller business and during the pandemic they could do with your help POSSIBLY more than mc sport. Mc Sport however seem to have more in stock at the moment (April 2020)


You see not everyone has the upper body control and strength to manage a push up just yet. For our type of clients we want to ensure that they are looked after. 🤩




The Red Power Band can be used for Pulling movements + other upper body and lower body exercises.


Blue loop band (Medium Strength) for glute and core work + other movements.


The Foam Roller for looking after the soft tissue in quads with all those squats that are in home workout videos...


Pair of Dumbells (Men: 10kgs Ladies: 6-7kgs) for hitting the upper body and doing controlled overhead work.


Kettlebell for Swings + other movements and to add resistance to movements where needed) (Men: 14-16kg

Ladies: 8-10kg).


Finally a yoga matt (for comfort + prevent slipping)


If that means spending €14-70 to help them stay injury free and feel as if they are achieving something rather than learning overcomplicated body movements then so be it. 😇


YES there are some bodyweight versions however for the majority of the population doing inverted rows off the back of a chair and swinging a 5 Litre drum of water isn't a realistic / enjoyable workout. As the chair skids across the room, the drum of water finds itself through the back window... It can only go on for so long and isnt the safest...



With exercise our clients NEED to feel as if they can do the exercises. Not everyone has that mindset where they want to throw themselves into a handstand press up and 'just give it a go'.



1. Make it achievable.

2. Safe

3. Progressive


Then when the basic levels of Agility - Balance - Coordination are there we can start doing the fancier stuff.

Push ups...

Squat Jumps..

Pull ups...

Back flips....

Just ensure to remember we want to treat the body with respect at this time and give it what it NEEDS so that we keep moving... stay injury free... and feel like we are winning the day 🔥