Training with Osteopenia & Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis and osteopenia.


One of the more common diseases in Irish society for older women is osteoporosis.

The diagnosis of men with the disease and condition is also on the rise. 

Osteoporosis means porous bone. It is a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced.

As bones become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture is greatly increased. This makes day to day tasks for the individual become questionable as there is uncertainty about the bodies ability to be able to cope with what may be considered as 'typical daily task.'

This may be overwheling for some but there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

This happens to many in Irish society due to:


  • Our lack of sunlight

  • Lack of strength work (strength also reduces falls and bone breaks)

  • Poor diet

  • Smoking

  • Alcohol


In this article, we talk about osteopenia and osteoporosis and what to do to reduce the need for medication and slow the process down and in some cases reverse the effects of osteopenia.

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You are not alone

Marie is my longest serving client.


She has been coming to me for over 3 years now for personal training.


Twice a week every week.




Becuase she has to manage her bone mineral density.


Marie, I can say with pride has reversed the onset of Osteopenia. After 2 years of training. 

She now works hard to maintain this standard as she lives what may be considered to many a normal lifestyle outside of the gym.

However, she has to continue her strength training to reap the rewards of a strong body.


Marie is an older woman.


(She will kill me if I even attempted to mention the age of this powerful woman).


Marie had a big ‘Why’ when it came to wanting to strength train and hire our services.

She didn't want to feel vulnerable.


As a strong Dublin woman, she also didn't want to lose her independence. 


That's what happens when the term osteo is mentioned in the Doctor's office. You feel as if it is the start of the end.


But its not.


What to do when diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis:

Step 1: Educate yourself:


Osteopenia is the milder version of osteoporosis. This diagnosis serves as a warning sign of what may be coming.


Osteoporosis is when the disease has a higher degree and therefore higher risk of bone breakages etc.

Therefore Osteopenia is ideally where we want to catch the disease. BUT we can still help with those clients who are diagnosed with osteoporosis. 


Step 2: Start strength training ASAP


We specialise in an array of special requirements for our PT clients.

Some with respiratory, back problems, co-ordinvation issues. But you'd be surprised of the amount of older ladies and men we’ve worked with with bone density issues.


Source a strength coach. There are many in the Dublin area.




If you pick the wrong one they will do more damage than good.


We pride ourselves on having the knowledge of a lot of good coaches around the Dublin area (mainly because we pride ourselves in being one of them). So message us below to enquire about a coach near you and we will be glad to point you in the direction to one of our collegues in the industry. 


'...The general recommendation that adults maintain a
relatively high level of weight-bearing physical
activity for bone health does not have an upper age
limit, but as age increases, so too does the need for
ensuring that physical activities can be performed
safely. Exercise programs for elderly women and
men should include not only weight-bearing
endurance and resistance activities aimed at
preserving bone mass, but also activities designed to
improve balance and prevent falls.'

Source: American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM position stand on
physical activity and bone health. Med Sci Sports Exerc 36:1985–1996, 2004.


Step 3: Read the research…


Here is a snippet at the bottom of this aritcle from one of the scientific resources we use from the American college of sports medicine.


Have a read of it and understand what it is you are dealing with.



If you would like a Free consultation with one of our coaches who specialises in strength training and skeletal health please put in your details in the box below.

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Need some help?

We offer an 8 week personal training programme specifically for those with osteopenia and osteoporosis. 

We insist however to meet you one on one to discuss your health and wellbeing as we believe in treating every client as an individual. 

If you would like to avail of this Free consultation and health audit enter your details below and we will be back to you within 36 hours: