Why I've only ever done one Transformation Project.

In this post Owner of LB Fitness Larry (me) talks openly about why it's been two years since the last 'LB Eight' / Transform in 8 project.

When do "transformations" work.

Why a lot of them don't work

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Two years ago i coached one 8 week transformation programme. Five clients. Eight weeks of very intensive training.

But I haven’t done one since.


Firstly. It's NOT called a “transformation”. That word is a frame that hides the truth within the picture. It doesn't show the work that has to be put in.

All you see is a picture of a before and after. A moment for many that think: ‘Oh look a “quick fix!”…’

Nobody sees the early morning checkin (every morning). Nobody saw the lads who I coached through the last Ti8 up at 6am prepping breakfast. 
Or the support they got from the coaching staff. The meetings / coffees on Sundays when participants weren't pulling their weight. Or when they really just needed someone to talk to when they were struggling. Nobody saw us closing the gym at 10:30pm after we stayed on to correct the behaviour of the group.

You saw a before and after photo.

The word Transformation also doesn't explain that this is a choice for life. Your health that is. Your wellness.

Stop looking for instant results.

The culture that our society has for Instant gratification.

Click of the button.

The “straight line to success”...

There were no olympic medals earned through decision making. No business of any kind was ever developed from a ‘How To book’.

Just years of hard work and pain and commitment to the goal. An attitude of 'until'.

Therefore looking after your health, wellness and mental wellbeing isn't an 8 week thing before a holiday.

We’ve all made mistakes. But we as a society know better than that.

Two years ago Ciaran messaged me asking if himself and four friends of his could do the 8 week training programme. The transformation programme.

My response as with all clients was ‘i'll meet you guys for coffee.’ Not a yes nor a no.

So on a Sunday I met the 5 friends for coffee.
They had made the choice that they were going to commit to this. Hard for 8 weeks. Initially I actually said ‘I don't think all of you will be able for it!’

I warned them that if they wanted to do this 8 week programme they had to commit 100%.
That if they didn't I would give them their money back and ask them to leave as they didn't hit the standards and intensity.

But why would I give someone their money back?

My reputation.

I despise transformations in their current format.

Pay ‘x’ and get ‘y’.

It doesn't work that way!!!.

Communication is vital. You also need a highly knowledgeable coach who has experience.

For ‘Ti8’ you are expected to bring more than what you can give to every session on 3 days of the week. There's no moaning or debate on what you have to do.

The goals you have don't have to be fatloss related. They can be anything from lifting more or just feeling fitter an better about yourself.

I’ve seen them done before and there are some good ones out there.

But do clients leave with an understanding that this is a long term choice? A lifestyle switch.

Two years ago a lot of friends and followers of the Ti8 journey will have seen the results it yielded. A huge opportunity for me to “leverage” off, as all of the lads got phenomenal results. It was the most enjoyable coaching period I have ever had.

But at the time it didn’t sit well with me.

I couldn’t do another.

Coaching the programme was just as hard as it was to actually do it. Both client and coach had long hours of work to manage along with actually communicating everyday.

It took so much from me. To understand that the five lads did get results. That they wanted to then work on their own terms after the programme. Personally I struggled with this. To trust that the five learnt that this wasn't just for 8 weeks. To let go.

But. That was their business. They learnt how to train hard. 
They learnt everything they needed to know about nutrition, lifting and programming.

Last time I checked 3 months ago four of the five were still training together and still looking after themselves.

Likewise thinking back on things there were years that I didn’t understand the importance of accountability and structure. 
That I fought with myself. Made excuses. Made zero progress. Fought with injury. I was miserable. Needless to say I had to be held accountable for the decisions I made. So I sourced and paid a physical therapist to put me right. That took 3 months alone to get me back training. I needed help to raise my standards. For someone to hold up the mirror. That was the point where I found change.

So, it's up to me to trust the process as much as it is the client. As it works and it's based off principles that I hold close to my heart.

On March 1st I'm opening my first gym. I've spent 4 years working towards this next chapter.

On February 1st I want to celebrate it by doing what I love which is coaching while demanding excellence. I'm going to run another Ti8.

Just one for 2018 as it takes over my life and it involves huge investment to every client. From me, Sam and Colm.

The energy I give left me burnt out the last time. But it got results and I've learnt from it.

Two current members are already on board for February. They are yet to sit down with me to discuss expectations and demands so it's not nailed down yet for them either.

If you want to do something totally different to anything that is on the market then this may be for you.

I'll meet you for coffee. We will chat about your training background (in some kind of sport or gym background is necessary).

Personality wise you have to put your feelings aside and be open and honest.

I will not be a drill sergeant but I will ask for everything you can give and insist on communication and total honesty.

You will get stronger than ever before and your goals will be met as long as you do how we say.

I will give you your money back and suggest a less demanding programme if I feel you're not up to it during the programme. However there has to be time spent and invested in the consultation process first.

This is my name, brand and you will get the truest form of me.

Click below if you want to know more as its starting February 1st:

To be honest I'm not sure if I'm nervous or excited. But it was the same feeling toeing that starting line in Santry stadium. Then once the gun went it got a lot more interesting.

Larry Brady